Dr. Ankita Malewar ( Paunikar )

Best Medicine For Male Infertility In Nagpur

Home Best Medicine For Male Infertility In Nagpur

Best Medicine For Male Infertility In Nagpur

Fertility changes with age in both males and females. They both become fertile in their teenage in puberty. For girls, the beginning of their reproductive years is marked by the onset of ovulation and menstruation. It is commonly understood that after menopause women are not able to become pregnant. Generally, reproduction potential decreases as women get older, and fertility can be expected to end 5 to 10 years before menopause.


Nowadays, age-related infertility in both males and females is becoming more common because, for a variety of reasons, many women wait until their 30s to begin their families. Even though women today are healthier and taking better care of themselves than ever before, improved health in later life does not offset the natural age-related decline in fertility. 

Unlike the early fertility decreases seen in women, a man’s decrease in sperm characteristics occurs much later. Sperm quality became poor somewhat as men get older, but it generally does not become a problem before a man is in his 60s.

As men age, their testes tend to get smaller and softer, and sperm morphology shape and motility movement start to decline. In addition, there is a slightly higher risk of gene defects in their sperm. Aging men may develop medical problems that adversely affect their sexual and reproductive functions. Not all men experience significant changes in reproductive or sexual functioning as they age, especially men who maintain good health over the years.


In cases of male factor infertility, it’s recommended that the female partner also be checked. There may be specific treatments recommended for both partners. Treatments for male infertility include:

Surgery. In the case of varicocele surgery is the best option to correct or have an obstructed vas deferens repaired. Prior vasectomies can be reversed. In cases where no sperm are present in the ejaculate, sperm can often be retrieved directly from the testicles or epididymis using sperm retrieval techniques.

Treating infections. Antibiotic treatment might cure an infection of the reproductive tract, but doesn’t always restore fertility.

Treatments for sexual intercourse problems. Medication or counseling can help improve fertility in conditions such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Hormone treatments and medications. If the problem is in hormone doctor might recommend hormone replacement or medications in cases where infertility is caused by high or low levels of certain hormones. 

Assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART treatments involve obtaining sperm through normal ejaculation, surgical extraction, or from donor individuals, depending on the specific case. The sperm is then inserted into the female reproductive tract or used to perform in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

Treatment Options and Alternatives

Assisted Reproductive Technologies:

If a cause for infertility is identified, doctors may suggest a specific treatment. However, in some cases, no specific problem is found, and infertility is labeled as “unexplained.” With unexplained infertility, or when traditional treatments have failed, advanced infertility therapies such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be suggested. In an IUI cycle, fertility medications are given to start the growth of multiple eggs in the ovaries. When these eggs are ready to ovulate, the male partner’s washed sperm is placed directly into a woman’s uterus. This procedure is called intrauterine insemination (IUI) and causes minimal discomfort as well as cost. IVF involves removing the eggs and fertilizing them with the male partner’s sperm in the laboratory and then transferring the resulting embryos to the female’s uterus. In some cases may be used with donor sperm rather than sperm from the male partner. With any treatment, a woman’s age affects the chance of pregnancy. In women over 40, the success rate of  IUI is generally less than 5% per cycle. This compares to success rates of around 10% for women ages less than 40. IVF is more effective but also has relatively low success rates in women 40 and older, generally less than 20% per cycle. 

Lifestyle and home remedies

There are a few steps you can take at home to increase your chances of achieving pregnancy:

  • Increase frequency of sex. Having sexual intercourse every day or every other day beginning at least five days before ovulation increases your chances of getting your partner pregnant.
  • Have sex when fertilization is possible. A woman is likely to become pregnant during ovulation — which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, between periods. This will ensure that sperm, which can live several days, are present when conception is possible.
  • Avoid the use of lubricants. Products such as Astroglide or K-Y jelly, lotions, and saliva might impair sperm movement and function. Ask your doctor about sperm-safe lubricants.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat a variety of healthy foods, maintain a healthy weight, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
  • Avoid things that damage your overall health. Stop or reduce your use of alcohol, quit smoking, and don’t use illicit drugs.

Alternative medicine

Evidence is limited on whether — or how much — herbs or supplements might help increase male fertility. None of these supplements treats a specific underlying cause of infertility, such as a sperm duct defect or chromosomal disorder.

Supplements with studies showing possible benefits for improving sperm count or quality include:

  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Folic acid and zinc combination
  • L-carnitine
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

Talk with your doctor before taking dietary supplements for male infertility. There is no clear evidence that they work, and some supplements may cause side effects or interact adversely with medications you take.