Dr. Ankita Malewar ( Paunikar )

Medicine For Oligospermia In Jabalpur

Home Medicine For Oligospermia In Jabalpur

Medicine For Oligospermia

Oligospermia is one of the most common infertility problems in males that is not new anymore. Infertility is not gendered biased, both men and women can have infertility issues. In fact, infertility is a health problem faced by around 10-15% of couples worldwide during their reproductive age. In all infertility cases, about 30% of cases are due to female factor infertility and 30% are due to male factor infertility. The remaining 30% of infertility cases include problems with both partners means having male partner infertility and female partner infertility and the rest 10% of infertility cases are caused by unexplained infertility in which causes are not known.

Causes Of Infertility

Dr. Ankita, IVF And Infertility Specialist in Jabalpur, Explained that: nowadays “low sperm count” is one of the main causes of infertility in many couples. Also known as Oligozoospermia Or Oligospermia, is a condition that indicates that semen contains lesser sperm as compared to the normal sperm count. Sperm counts refer to the number of sperms that are present in 1 ml of semen.

A normal semen sample contains 40 million to 300 million sperm per milliliter and a low sperm count is considered anything between 10 to 20 million per milliliter. This means that twenty million or more than 15 million healthy sperm may be sufficient for pregnancy to conceive.

As mentioned above oligospermia causes male infertility and can not achieve pregnancy so it is important to understand the common oligospermia symptoms to diagnose it on time and for effective oligospermia treatments on time.

Symptoms Of Oligospermia

For some males there are no symptoms of oligospermia, this condition only comes across when they start finding out the reasons for not being able to conceive a pregnancy. But in some cases, one can notice some warning signs that indicate there are some issues with the male reproductive system. These common symptoms include:

  • Swollen and Enlarged vein in the scrotum
  • Thick discharge
  • Pain, swelling, or lumps in the testicle areas
  • Decreased facial and body hair or other signs indicating hormonal imbalances
  • Sexual functioning issues like the inability to maintain an erection or other ejaculatory issues.
  • Some also face pain while urinating, due to infections.

semen analysis test can be done for the diagnosis of oligospermia. This test examines the volume of the semen, ph of the semen, sperm count and quality, motility, and abnormal & normal morphology forms.

Treatment Of Oligospermia

Oligospermia treatment is essential to solving infertility issues in men. The treatment includes –

  1. Surgery:
    Oligospermia treatment with surgery if the cause is Varicocele. In the surgery the doctor will close off the enlarged vein, redirecting the blood flow to another vein.
  2. Medication
    When the oligospermia causes include hormonal imbalance, infection or inflammation, etc. The treatment will include medications. The treatment prevents further sperm count drop, and assisting treatment is also needed.
  3. Lifestyle Changes
    One of the reasons for Oligospermia is a lifestyle. One of the oligospermia treatments is working on lifestyle factors affecting sperm production and counting if there is a change in lifestyle to be healthy. The major lifestyle changes needed to tame Oligospermia include:
  • Quitting smoking
  • Limiting the alcohol intake
  • Reducing Stress
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Eat healthily
  • Avoid high temperature
  • Avoid excessive consumption of medicines
  • Increase Vitamin and Calcium intake
  1. Hormone Treatments
    A variety of hormonal medications and injections can restore the hormones to a normal level improving the sperm count as well.
  2. Assistant Reproduction Techniques (ART)
    Assistant Reproduction Techniques such as IVF or IUI may help you to become parent while dealing with Oligospermia.