Dr. Ankita Malewar ( Paunikar )




What is an OB-GYN?

AN OB-GYN is a doctor who has broad and specific training in obstetrics and gynecology.
OB-GYNs provide a wide range of preventive care services, including pap smears, STI testing, pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and blood work.
They can answer a person’s questions about pregnancy, sex, reproductive health, infertility, and numerous other topics.
A Montefiore news release reports that many may see their OB-GYNs as their primary care doctors. Researchers surveyed women about their use of various physicians, finding that 56 percent aged 18 to 40 visited only an OB-GYN on an annual basis. Even some women with a chronic condition primarily saw an OB-GYN.

What procedures can they perform?

OB-GYNs are trained surgeons who can perform a wide range of procedures, including:
  • cesarean sections
  • instrumental deliveries during childbirth
  • a hysterectomy
  • removing growths, such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
  • surgery to repair pelvic organ injuries
OB-GYNs can also perform a wide range of routine and in-office procedures, including:
  • pap smears to test for cervical cancer
  • STI tests
  • fertility treatments, such as egg retrievals for IVF or egg-freezing
  • pelvic ultrasounds to check the pelvic organs and monitor pregnancy
  • infertility treatments and counseling
  • management of urinary issues, such as urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence
  • treating common problems, such as anemia
  • breast exams and breast health management, including mammograms and other breast cancer screenings

What areas do they specialize in?

OB-GYNs can choose from a wide range of specialties. Some opt to specialize only in obstetrics and care for pregnant women. Others only offer gynecological care and do not deliver babies.
Some OB-GYNs choose to focus on a specific aspect of the field. For instance, an obstetrician might specialize in vaginal births after cesarean delivery (VBAC).
Some also treat women using a holistic approach, or osteopathic perspective. This care often prioritizes natural or traditional remedies. The American Osteopathic Association certifies osteopathic doctors, including osteopathic OB-GYNs.
OB-GYNs may also specialize in an area that requires additional training, expertise, and accreditation, such as:
  • Maternal-fetal medicine specialists
  • Reproductive endocrinologists
  • Gynecologic oncologists
  • Female pelvic specialists